The Benefits of Neutering Your Male Pet

Benefits of Neutering Your Male Pet

At Arbor Ridge Pet Clinic, our veterinarian in Fitchburg, WI, can answer a lot of questions about a variety of pet-related topics. From our dental services and vaccine policy to wellness exams and allergies - we’re happy to answer them all.

One question we might get is “should I get my male pet neutered?” While the final decision is yours, we will consult with you and inform you of the many benefits of neutering your pet while your pet is still a puppy or kitten. In this blog, we'll outline the different benefits of neutering and provide more information about it.

What Is Neutering?

Neutering is the surgical removal of the male reproductive organs. Removal of the testes makes a male animal unable to reproduce and can have different health benefits.

Why Should Dogs and Cats Be Neutered?

The main reason to neuter your pet is to prevent pregnancies that would contribute to the current overpopulation of cats and dogs. However, there are many other benefits as well, including:

  • It eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer.
  • It decreases the chances of prostate disease.
  • Neutered pets generally have longer life spans than non-neutered pets
  • It reduces problems related to territory such as spraying
  • It reduces aggressive behavior like fighting other animals and mounting people and objects
  • Many pets will lose the urge to roam, thereby decreasing their chances of being injured or contracting diseases

Other Information Related to Neutering

Some people shy away from neutering because they've heard negative things about the procedure. One fear is about anesthesia. While there's always a risk with anesthesia, it's extremely minimal. Your pet is also monitored throughout the surgery to help ensure he is stable.

Another point of resistance is believing your pet will become fat and lazy. If you maintain a proper diet and exercise routine, your pet won't become fat. Other people fear a personality change. While his behavior may change, the change is for the better. Aggressive behaviors diminish and they can become much easier to handle

Get a Pet Exam from a Vet Near You for Your Dogs and Cats or Your Puppy or Kitten

Whether your pet needs a pet exam, spay or neuter consultation, or another health service, our veterinarian in Fitchburg, WI, at Arbor Ridge Pet Clinic is here to help, so give us a call. Our friendly staff is happy to assist you. Call us at (608) 274-3880 to get a pet exam from a vet near you for your dogs or cats or your puppy or kitten. A vet near you is here to help.


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If we are not notified at least 24 hours prior to the appointment, there will be a missed exam fee that will be due prior to future services provided.  The fee will be for amount charged for the exam of the pet that was scheduled to be seen.